First, let me be the first to admit that I am an organizational nut. Seriously, I'm crazy and probably need medication. I'm not OCD (yet), but definitely like things neat and tidy. I also take a lot of pictures of our lives. As a mother of an only child, you can imagine how many pictures and videos I take of our son. probably can't because it's a lot. And I mean A LOT! Tons! Thousands! Maybe even approaching a million! Well, maybe not that many, but I do take a lot of pictures and video. (Let's just say that I've transferred all our home videos to DVDs and we now have over 300. I told you it was a lot!) I've been trying to scrapbook each year of our son's life and have about five years completely finished. I'm trying to keep each year of his life contained to three 12x12 binders. Yep, three. Even that's doing a lot of editing. I've been putting all the duplicate pictures and pictures I don't use (remember the grand ol' days of film?) in a box and it's been driving me crazy for over ten years now because they've just been sitting in boxes. (Yikes...all jumbled together and not organized.) I'm not sure how I was even able to sleep at night because this has always been tickling the back of my brain. It's been on my "to do" list for years and years. Well, I'm thrilled to say that I've finally sorted them, labeled them and put them away in neatly labeled storage containers. (My label maker is probably my best friend in the whole wide world. I even gave her a name...Lola. I told you I was crazy!) So, here's the finished project:
So, another item checked off on my "to do" list. Now I only have fifteen years of pictures left to scrapbook! Sigh. But, any duplicate pictures will be filed accordingly. Oh boy...I probably really do need medication!