Sunday, September 30, 2012

Team Lost Dumasse Rides Again!

Yesterday, Matt competed and completed the Grand Rapids Urban Adventure Race.  He and his race partner biked 17-18 miles and ran 4-5 miles to find 36 of 37 checkpoints in and around downtown Grand Rapids.  (Matt's cardiotrainer app. on his phone logged a total of 22.2 miles, but I'm sticking with my rough estimation.)  To make the race even more adventuresome, they did it all in the middle of art competition with over 1,500 pieces of art and thousands of people milling about admiring it.  Team Lost Dumasse finished 41st out of 193 teams.  The weather was beautiful and they had a lot of fun competing.  They're looking at competing in a race in February.  I think I'll cheer them on from the comfort of my nice, warm living room.