Last Saturday, we toured Allegan. We've been talking about moving and we've been working with a realtor for the past couple of years. As we do some updating to our home, we've also been searching online, driving by, and actually going through tours of some potential new homes. Well, new for us. We're definitely ready for a change. I would like to be in a warmer climate. Matt would like to be closer to work and on the water. So, we have some compromising to do. I actually fell in love with a huge old historic home. It's absolutely gorgeous and did I mention it's huge? It's stately and beautiful and probably comes with a ghost or two. Matt's not as excited about having a ghost as I am. So, keeping our options open, we drove by some other homes for sale, we walked through the town and checked out some shops, and then we went and had some lunch at a local restaurant. Oh, and supposedly, the restaurant is haunted. I think I could learn to like Allegan.
The historic bridge behind us was built in 1866.