After spending Saturday doing yard work (and squatting and crawling on rocks pulling weeds for two and a half hours), it was time to do something fun on Sunday. We loaded up our bikes and our friends' bikes and hit the Kal-Haven Trail. The first half of the journey was pretty tough...riding into a brisk wind and uphill the entire way. (I'm not too proud to admit to stopping to give my poor screaming legs a break along the way. And trust me, it wasn't pretty what they were screaming.) Our goal was to reach the caboose in Kalamazoo and, I'm happy to say, we made it...sore hamstrings from the previous day and all. The ride back to the vehicle was downhill and soooooo much better! So, we rode 8 miles to the caboose and back...and even though my legs are sore, I'm happy to say I don't have a sore caboose!!