Friday, August 26, 2011

The 'Quake of 2011

We can happily say we survived the 'Quake of 2011.  Whew!  I had no idea there even was an earthquake until much later when I turned on the TV while making dinner.  (See, for all you skeptics out there, domestic queens really don't sit with their feet up and watch TV all day.)  I thought back to where I was when it hit to see if I remembered feeling anything.  Then I remembered that I was in Walmart at the time getting groceries.  I definitely didn't notice anything too unusual...other than the interesting people Walmart tends to attract.  (While I'm in Walmart, I'm usually focused on observing people...looking for that perfect specimen to snap a picture of to submit to the "People of Walmart" website.)  I wonder how Cyrus handled the quake.  I don't know if he was anxious and could sense anything about to happen.  Probably not.  I'm sure he was snoozing on the pillow on the couch and just rode out the 'quake.  It's a good thing his nap was undisturbed.