The theme for this Labor Day weekend seemed to revolve around sporting events. Friday found us heading over to Detroit to watch the Tigers play the White Sox. Thankfully we had the air on in the car during the drive over because it was a balmy 99 degrees when we arrived in Detroit. After quickly acclimating (and by acclimating I mean soon having matching sweat stains like every other person in Detroit) we walked over to the stadium to pose for some pictures. While Matt and Keaton were checking out autographed paraphernalia, I tried to train myself to take short, shallow breaths because not everyone seemed to be a huge fan of deodorant. We had great seats in the upper deck with lots of leg room. (Since we all have long legs, it was great to not knee the back of someone's head every time we moved.) The temp. slowly started to decrease and at game time was down to a more comfortable 95 degrees. (Not really. The only way to distinguish between 95 and 99 degrees is by the size of the sweat stains.) I nestled between the guys so I was somewhat protected by any body odor. (Can you tell yet that I'm really queasy with pungent odors?) The only time I had to hold my breath was when everyone stood up and raised their arms to cheer. Verlander pitched and the Tigers won 9-1, so there was a lot of standing and cheering. Thankfully I can hold my breath for a good amount of time...and I had a program to wave in front of my face. Sweat and body odor aside, it was still a fun time.
On Saturday morning, Matt awoke and immediately hung his beloved Western Michigan University flag and Keaton's U of M flag on the he does EVERY Saturday during football season. (He even brings them to hang on the RV if we're camping.) He and Keaton wore their respective fan t-shirts and headed over to watch the big game at Matt's brother's house. I sent them off with cupcakes and homemade Chex mix and Cyrus and I took a much-needed nap and watched the movie, Tangled. I miss seeing those cute kiddie movies at the theater with Keaton. Somehow it's just not the same to watch them at home without him.
Sunday was a lazy day of hanging out and watching movies. We all need those kind of days once in a while. (Plus, being the only girl in the house, there is only so much sports viewing I can take.)
Monday was a beautiful day in west Michigan. It was 21 degrees cooler than the day before, but since it was sunny and not 99 degrees, I was not going to complain. Matt and I grabbed our bike helmets and went to ride a new trail in Kalamazoo with our friends. It's a new 13-mile trail that's paved and winds along the Kalamazoo River. We ended our ride with a trip to a local pizzeria. Those are the kind of bike rides I like! I'm a little sore today and think I need some extra padding on my bike seat. But, if we keep eating pizza and breadsticks after every bike ride, I may soon have some natural extra padding for my bike seat instead.