Friday, February 23, 2018

Life Lessons

Holy cow...I haven't been on here in a year! Where did the year go? We've had lots of changes in the past year. We lost Matt's mom and have been steamrolling along working on our house. I've been dealing with family dynamics and some drama. We've also been trying to take some time to have some fun. I have done a lot of soul searching over the past year and have found the following to be true:

Deb's Life Lessons

  1. Life is short; eat dessert. Every. Single. Day. Hell, eat two if the Zombie Apocalypse is looming.
  2. Don't waste time on someone who doesn't care about you. If people don't include you in the events of their life, you'll probably be hurt. That's understandable...especially if they're family. I think that hurts the most. They're missing out on a loving relationship with you and all you have to offer. It's truly their loss. On the bright side, you'll have more time to go shopping. Retail therapy really does work.
  3. Do what makes you happy. Unless it's something don't want to serve time. (Unless you're happy being incarcerated.)
  4. Reflect on all the good in your life before you go to sleep each night. Be grateful you made it through another day. Be grateful you didn't have to punch anyone in the throat.
  5. Love your family. Your family will make you laugh. Your family will make you cry. Your family will drive you crazy. Love them anyway. We're all crazy in our own way and it's nice to have a bunch of crazy people surround you. It makes life more interesting...and gives you lots of stuff to put on a blog or share with your therapist.
  6. Take time to just stop and enjoy the moment. Savor all the blessings you've been given each day. Unless you're in the passing lane...then please get out of my way.
  7. Accept the fact that the world is full of idiots. Just think of dealing with them as a test. You get an A+ if you don't punch one of them in the throat.
  8. Spend time with your children. No phone. No tablet. No Netflix. Just talk to them. You'll be amazed by their view on the world. They grow up sooooo incredibly fast. 
  9. Laugh. A lot. Every. Single. Day. It's even better if you can laugh at yourself. Having a clumsy husband helps too.
  10. Surround yourself with people you actually enjoy being with. Life is too short to waste time trying to fit in with people who don't appreciate you. Make your own entourage of those who cherish you. My entourage is encouraged to wear pink. They get bonus points if they wear something sparkly.
  11. Let go of anger. Let go of resentment. Karma has a mysterious way of making you smile that sly, knowing smile when people who are not nice get a slap from the universe. It's just not worth the worry lines. But karma really does come around. I've seen it. She's beautiful.
  12. Be kind. Every. Single. Day. I truly think that if everyone would just do one nice thing a day for someone else, we'd have a totally different that is pink and sparkly.
  13. Don't be a perfectionist. Trust me, it doesn't work. Be happy with your accomplishments. Be grateful for what you've done...many people don't even get that far. Nothing is perfect. Nobody is perfect. Love the imperfections...they're more interesting anyway. They also give you something to blog about.
  14. Learn to love yourself. Again, nobody is perfect. Don't worry about your "size" long as you're healthy, "size" doesn't matter. A woman's body is supposed to be curvy. If we were supposed to be straight and stick-thin, we'd be men. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. We're all unique and our bodies are all unique. Do NOT get on a scale every're just setting yourself up for disappointment...and an excuse to just give up and eat ice cream at every meal. Unless that's what makes you happy.
  15. Learn to not care what anyone else says or thinks about you. That's a hard one. I've found it helpful to wear earplugs. Nobody knows your struggle except you. Brush off the haters...or give them a firm shove out of your entourage. I also find mental eye rolls and curse words oddly soothing.
  16. Love your spouse. Truly. Madly. Deeply. Unless he/she is getting on your nerves...then read one of the Fifty Shades of Grey books and he/she will probably not be on your nerves as much.
  17. Respect other people's political views. Unless they voted for Trump.
  18. Don't judge. You don't know what that person is going through or has been through. Life can be hard and some people don't make the best choices. Learn to cut them some slack...unless they pick up a pacifier from a dirty floor and pop it into a baby's mouth. Yuck. That's just gross.
  19. Try everything once. Who cares if you look silly or old or fat or uncoordinated or dumb? Besides, it will give you great stories to put on your blog...and stuff for your kids to bring up in therapy.
  20. Know that not everyone in the world will like you. That's fine. Just know that they're missing out on someone who is fabulous and it's their loss. I like to give them mental eye rolls and call them names in my head.
  21. Say please and thank you. Every. Single. Day. It's so simple and can truly make someone feel appreciated. Besides, if you don't have good manners, it makes your mother look bad.
  22. Chew with your mouth closed. Again, if you don't have good manners, it makes your mother look bad.  Unless she also chews with her mouth open. Then, you may may need therapy.
  23. Be considerate. It sounds like such a simple thing to do, but so many people don't do it. Please do NOT bring a baby to a movie. Please do NOT bring a six-year old to see The Exorcist at a movie theater. Please do NOT sit directly in front of me at the movie theater when there are only TWO other people in the ENTIRE theater. Please do NOT sit next to me in the movie theater when there are only TWO other people in the ENTIRE theater. Please BATHE before going to a movie. Please BATHE before going to a movie...especially if you're going to sit NEXT to me. Please do NOT talk during a movie. Please do NOT check your texts during a movie. (Can you tell I find many movie-goers inconsiderate?)
  24. Don't be afraid of bad people or the world. Don't be a hostage to terror. Don't worry about what could happen. I'd much rather worry about if anyone is going to post what I just did on YouTube.
  25. Hug and kiss people. Tell people you love them. Every. Single. Day. If you're married, it's probably better if you do and say this to your spouse.