My sister and niece came to visit for a few days during their spring break. It was so great to hang out with them! They loved the house and that made me feel good because I worry that it smells like old people and dog pee.
Tuesday was our only nice, sunny day so we headed over to Holland to visit the lighthouse and take my niece to the beach so she can tell her friends that she went to the beach over spring break. (Of course, she had to wear a winter coat, but hey, she can still say she went to the beach!) We spent the day wandering through downtown Holland shopping and enjoyed some fried avocado at lunch. It was awesome! I guess you really can pretty much fry anything. As we headed for home, we also hit the outlet mall and got some great bargains. We had a lot of laughs going through an antique store and scaring my niece with creepy dolls. (She refused to touch them because she said she didn't want to be possessed.) I think one of those creepy dolls will look great on her night stand or will make a fun White Elephant gift this year!