Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Fall Camping

We enjoyed a fun fall camping weekend with good friends!

We broke the no-TV rule of camping and actually had one set up outside most of the weekend.  We watched a hilarious movie, the U of M vs. State game, and the Lions game.  In between games, we went for a long bike ride, played pinochle and enjoyed some gorgeous walks. Cyrus loves his walks...but he may have a slight problem with authority.

Matt and I were up and out the door by 7:00 a.m. each morning for a sunrise kayak trip.  It was cloudy on Saturday morning, so we didn't get the spectacular color show we were hoping for.  But, Sunday was better...colder, but definitely worth the chilly wait!  I started emptying the motor home yesterday so we can winterize it.  They're predicting snow here for Halloween.  Yikes...that's scary!