Friday, November 30, 2012

Our Thanksgiving Feast for 2.7

Another Thanksgiving has flown the coop.  We like to be different, so we celebrated Thanksgiving without the usual consumption of the turkey.  We gave thanks with a chicken instead.  Planning for our dinner, I did the math and found there would be only three of us eating (well, really only 2.7 when I broke it down):

1.0 Matt's portion
1.0 Deb's portion
0.5 Keaton's portion (he had to save room for half a portion with his girlfriend's family)
0.2 Cyrus's portion
2.7 Thanksgiving dinner portions/people

(Wow...I may be watching too much of The Big Bang Theory!)  So, another Thanksgiving has passed and we have lots of which to be thankful:  we're happy, healthy, and not eating leftover turkey for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Our bedroom before Cyrus decided to try his paw at decorating.
Our bedroom after Cyrus finished with his decorating project.

Cyrus is ready for some Thanksgiving football!

The guys in orange tackled the Black Friday sale ads...carefully studying the newspaper ads and online ads.
Cyrus is either a true Lions fan and couldn't tear his gaze from the game...or he was watching a commercial about food.

Three hours of cooking enjoyed in 20 min. of eating.

Cyrus enjoyed his 0.2 portion of the meal.

Before we ate dinner.

After we ate dinner.