Okay, I'm now officially ready for winter. I don't want it to be winter yet, but I am ready for it just in case. And living in Michigan, we could have snow any day now. I switched around all the closets and drawers and packed up all our summer stuff last week. I also added more fall touches to my already-decorated house. I can't ever leave anything alone. Just ask the dog. I'm constantly in his face snapping his picture or kissing him or talking/singing to him. I guess I can kind of see why I also drive Keaton crazy.
We enjoyed a nice visit from my dad and step-mom this past week. They're living in TN now and their blood has definitely thinned in the years they've been down there. They were chilly in our 50 degree weather while I thought about wearing shorts. Just kidding...they were packed away, remember? We went to the casino for our monthly donation to the Indians, but still had a lot of fun. Keaton came home for a visit and I ended up making him all sorts of goodies. (Can you say spoiled?) It was a nice weekend and now I think it's time for my nap. Finally.