Monday, April 18, 2011

April Showers Bring...Snow???

We awoke this morning to see everything covered in a layer of white. It's pretty to watch the snow falling...but I'm over winter and ready to move on to spring and finish my spring cleaning. I've scrubbed just about every inch of this house armed with soap, water, and a toothbrush. (Luckily Matt wasn't in trouble so I didn't have to use his toothbrush.) We've washed windows, screens, and curtains. I've washed walls and woodwork and scrubbed every piece of furniture, picture frame and knick knack we own.  I've washed every blanket, comforter, and pillow in the house.  We've moved furniture to clean and scrub under and behind everything...and I mean everything.  (I've even taken apart toilets to clean them.)   Matt broke out the ladder to finish my tall items and I'm happy to report that I'm just about finished with the house. (Poor Matt cringes when I climb a ladder barefoot, and since I'm always barefoot, he just took over the ladder duty.)  I bet my house is cleaner than Martha Stewart's house.  One more room to clean...and then maybe it'll be time to switch closets around and pack away the winter clothes. But, looking outside today...I don't think I'll be pulling out any summer clothes for quite a while.

Matt had a business trip last week in New Jersey (or New Joirsey as the locals pronounced it).  He had a tour of a facility in New York and a conference. One night, after the conference, they took a boat trip to see the Statue of Liberty...but it was foggy and there wasn't much to see.  It's probably a good thing because the camera he took with him wasn't working.  I would not have been happy to not have pictures for the scrapbook.  He had a little trouble getting home on Thursday when his flight was cancelled due to a mechanical problem.  (I guess it's better to find out about a mechanical problem BEFORE the flight instead of learning about it while airborne.)  He finally made it home about 2:30 a.m. on Friday morning.  He was anxious to get home on Friday so he could go to Pinball at the 'Zoo in the afternoon.  Matt goes every year to check out the latest pinball machines and play lots and lots of pinball.  This year, I tagged along and was not surprised to find that I was one of only a handful of girls in the entire building.  We played many pinball games and I actually beat Matt once or twice.  They had some old machines and some new machines...the brand-spanking new machines cost between $5,000 and $6,000.  (Do you have any idea how many shoes and purses I could get for that?)  I was spoiled after being allowed to play a guy's Iron Man game (insert your own joke here) that he didn't let the rest of the crowd play.  He had it all pimped out with LED lights and an extra sound system.  Matt was pretty happy he took me along so I could use my feminine wiles to check it out.  It was pretty sweet...and that's saying a lot since I'm not a pinball nerd like Matt and others at the show.  I'm glad I went, though, so now I can veto any machines I don't like from coming into the house.  My personal favorite at the show was "Creature from the Black Lagoon"'s also one of the most expensive games.  Of course it is...I can't help it, I have expensive taste.

Keaton and Matt went to cheer on the Red Wings on Saturday.  They had a great time and Keaton actually stayed awake on the drive to Detroit.  (I'll have to mark that in his milestone book.  He never goes more than 20 minutes without falling asleep in a car.)  On the ride home, Keaton did stay awake long enough to get out of the parking ramp...and then he slept all the way home.  Of course he did.

Cyrus isn't enjoying all this wet weather...especially when I make him wear his raincoat.  (I'd make him wear his boots too, but he won't leave them on.)  He was supposed to get his hair cut on Wednesday, but as I was getting ready to take him to the groomer, he started limping.  I took him outside and then he wouldn't put any weight on his front leg at all.  There's nothing more heart-wrenching than seeing a dog hobble on three legs.  I took him to the vet and he started walking just fine once we were there.  The little stinker.  She did some tests and diagnosed him with a strained muscle and gave him some pills.  (I'm the one who needs the pills.  I'm telling you, it's like having a toddler in the house.)  While we were there, I had him get his yearly shot and spring tune-up.  If he faked his limp to get out of going to the groomer, then he deserved a shot...he's not pulling one over on me.  The little stinker.

After I finish my spring cleaning, it's time to finish the family website I made and work on family trees.  I do like things all tidy and organized.  Then, it's time to get back to scrapbooking and I need to get started on my quilts.  It's really no wonder I don't sleep...lots to do and not enough time.  Speaking of's time to go shovel.  Just kidding.  Matt put away the snow shovels a few weeks ago.  I guess we can blame this latest snowfall on him.