December flew by. We participated in an Ugly Sweater 5K Walk/Run in our new little hometown. (Since I don't like to sweat, can you guess which one we did?) We joined the throngs of Star Wars fans and saw the latest movie in our little hometown theater. (It's an old historic building which was originally a horse livery in the late1800s. It became a vaudeville theater in 1919 and then restored in the 1930s in the Art Deco style and made into a movie theater. It's really pretty!) We blinked and the week of Christmas was upon us. I had a little bug and was not feeling great earlier in the week. Keaton had a bigger bug and had to cancel our Christmas Eve plans and dinner. Matt and I ended up snacking a lot and watching a lot of movies. We played games with the older kids in my family and probably shed a couple of pounds from laughing so hard. (If you've never played 'Cards Against Humanity', you're missing out on a hilarious, naughty, terrible, bawdy, horrible, politically-incorrect, gut-wrenching funny game! It's not for the faint of heart. We wouldn't allow our mother in the's that bad. But, I have a dark, twisted sense of humor and know my sisters do too. We were happy to find my nephews have inherited our dark sense of humor. I'm also pleased that Matt has embraced the naughtiness and has come to the dark side too.) We enjoyed an abbreviated post-Christmas celebration with Keaton and Autumn. We sure did miss our sweet Cyrus helping us unwrap gifts, though. :-( We did get off the couch to donate to the casino and did our part to help the economy with after-Christmas shopping in South Haven, Saugatuck, and the outlet mall where we found some great deals! I was absolutely THRILLED to make a good-sized dent in the stock at Kirkland's...twice!!
We happily said goodbye to 2015 with dinner and drinks with our good friends on Thursday night. (On a side note, I found a new drink called a Cherry Temple that was fabulous!) We're hoping 2016 is a much happier year for us all!
Merry Christmas |
Happy New Year |