Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Festive Fourth

On Wednesday, we packed up the RV, loaded the kayaks in the trailer, and headed over to Ionia to enjoy a long weekend with good friends.  We ate lots of good food, played a lot of cards, swatted a lot of mosquitoes, and enjoyed some kayaking in the Grand River.  Keaton came over on Friday and was our kayaking chauffeur and saved some time before/after kayaking.  (And to get us girls to a bathroom...not a pit toilet, but a real bathroom with running water and soap!)  Cyrus was pretty good with all the festivities.  He was a little freaked out by the nearby fireworks, but running the AC in the motor home and watching TV helped to muffle the noise.  Poor puppy.  We wore him out with all the fresh air and all the walks.  He spent all day yesterday recuperating.  As a matter of fact, it looks like he's planning to spend today recuperating as well.
Aren't the paddles pretty with their new flower stickers?
(I'm still on the lookout for pink paddles though.)

The Grand River was slow but still grand.
(It's always grand when I don't get stuck.)
Poor puppy.  He can't escape me.