Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day!

Yay for Leap Day!  It gives me an extra day to tie up some loose ends.  So to make the most of an extra day in the month, I thought that today would be a perfect opportunity to update any faithful stalkers (uh, I mean readers).  So, during February...

We continued to follow Keaton and his fellow Hornets around the basketball circuit.  While the season didn't finish as well as they had hoped, it was still nice to visit with Keaton twice a week.  We had the banquet on Sunday and said goodbye to everyone until next season.  On a positive note, it is really nice to be able to watch Modern Family again!

Matt left during the banquet for a business trip/conference in India for 12 days.  He was able to pack everything into one small carry-on suitcase and checked it as he boarded the plane.  Since he checked it just before he boarded, he wasn't too worried about it being misplaced...thinking that if it's one of the last pieces of luggage to be put on the plane then, theoretically, it would be one of the first pieces of luggage to be taken off the plane.  Again, in theory, that's how it should have worked.  Needless to say, Matt arrived in India...and his one small suitcase didn't.  So, he had to wear the same pants for three days.  A friend loaned him a clean shirt and a trip to a store allowed him to purchase some deodorant and underwear.  (He did have a hard time finding anything larger than a medium though.)  The hotel was nice and left some clothes in his room...unfortunately some pants that he couldn't even pull them up past his knees and some shoes that he figured were a women's size 9.  But, it's the thought that counts.  The good news is that he did get his suitcase today.  We're hoping it had a nice vacation.

So, with Matt being gone for 12 days, people are asking what I'm planning to do with myself.  First of all, I'm going to really live it up and not shave my legs.  Just kidding.  I shave my legs everyday...not because I'm hairy and have to but because I'm neurotic and have to.  I have this deeply-instilled fear that the one day I don't shave my legs will be the one day that Brad Pitt will ring my doorbell just as I'm getting out of the shower and ask for my towel to dry the water buffalo he just hit.  No really, it's a habit that I don't even think about.  I plan on some dinners with friends, lots of movies, and lots of scrapbooking.  Keaton stopped by last weekend for lunch and to say goodbye to Matt.  Keaton asked what I was doing this weekend because he was thinking of coming home for a visit.  I told him to call first because I might be having a party.  He just shook his head.  He does that a lot when I talk to him.  I told him that I set up an account on Skype and we could now video-chat.  I asked him if he wanted my screen name.  With a grimace, he asked if he should and then he just shook his head when I told him my name:  Shadynasty.  It's NOT Shady Nasty.  It's Sha Dynasty.  (If you haven't watched 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia', you're missing some funny stuff.)  Then I told him which picture I posted with my screen name.  That made him shake his head AND close his eyes.  I'm thinking I just may give him gray hair sooner rather than later.  One day he'll appreciate my sense of humor...or will probably need therapy.

So, Happy Leap Day!  To celebrate Leap Day, I'm going to try and take some pictures of Cyrus leaping.  Maybe I'll take some pictures of myself leaping.  Then, I'll send them to Keaton.  I think his future therapist will appreciate my sense of humor.