Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy 21 Years to Us!

Wow...has it really been 21 years since our wedding?  The years just fly by when you're having fun.  And we've had a LOT of fun, mishaps and adventures over the years.  (This gives me lots of writing material whenever I decide to publish our memoirs!)

How did we celebrate our anniversary?  We moved Keaton back home from college.  Yay!!  Keaton was pretty anxious to move back home and get into some cool, air-conditioned air.  (His room was about 110.  It's a good thing he wasn't on the third floor!)  So, after we all cooled off and enjoyed a nice home-cooked dinner, we had a good laugh at how much weddings have changed over the last two decades.  But, one thing from our wedding day remains the same...we're still happy together after 21 years!
