Thursday, November 13, 2008

November News

Halloween was a little different this year. It was the first year that Keaton didn't dress up. He and some friends did still go out, but it wasn't the same without them being dressed up and posing for pictures. Matt and I still dressed up - he was a gladiator and I was a Roman goddess. It was a stretch for me to actually have to get out of my everyday Domestic Goddess outfit - my pajamas. Cyrus was a hot dog with mustard. (It didn't really fit in with our Roman theme, but he was pretty darn cute!) We'll never be too old for Halloween!

This month's news is that Keaton was inducted into the National Honor Society. We're very proud of him! Unfortunately, Matt had to miss the induction ceremony while he was away at a conference. It's a good thing we have a video camera! The other big news is that Keaton now officially has a girlfriend. Her name is Laura (she's also in Honor Society) and she's very cute. He's been to her house a couple of times (I took pictures when he left for his "first date"), has taken her out to the movies twice (a scary movie each time - he's pretty smooth, isn't he?) and they've gone out to eat a few times (Applebee's and Burger King - I guess he can afford more than McDonald's!). They do a lot of texting and chatting on the phone when he's not with her. They're both pretty busy kids and he'll be even busier when basketball season officially begins next week.

Have a happy Thanksgiving! We're very thankful for our blessings of family and friends.