Thursday, August 7, 2008
Weekend with the Bruces
Karie and family came for a visit over the weekend. We spent most of the time in the pool on Friday. On Saturday, we all went to the Perrigo company picnic and had a great time. McKenna was on my back as we walked up the fairgrounds and she had her nose snuggled in my neck. She told me she just couldn't stop smelling me. (I think that's a good thing.) The kids played some games, found over $1.50 each in the coin search, and Hunter climbed a volcano. Afterwards, we headed over to Grand Haven and the Coast Guard Festival. We had some yummy food at Eric's and then we headed down to the docks to watch the fireworks. We went to Binder Park Zoo on Sunday, where Hunter had his picture taken and Karie was interviewed for the Battle Creek Enquirer. We fed the giraffes and spent a fun day hangin' out with the animals. On Monday, we headed up to the mall in Grandville so Hunter could climb the rock wall, but it was unfortunately closed. I think the clothes Karie bought him at Abercrombie erased his disappointment. McKenna's wish was to visit Libby Lu's (which we did - and we have the sprinkling of fairy dust to prove it). They all left from the mall and Keaton and I came home so he could go to - where else - basketball. It was a great weekend and it went by too quickly. Perrigo is expanding with 500 new jobs, so we're trying to talk the Bruce family into relocating to our neck of the woods. I'd even offer free babysitting to help sweeten the deal!