Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Snow Day!

Even though I don't have a little one at home any more, I still LOVE snow days!  We got about 8-10 inches of snow last night and everything is cancelled.  The three adorable and super sweet kiddos across the street came to shovel this morning. I ran them out some peanut butter cookies and hot chocolate.  It's sooooooo much fun having little ones around again!  (Plus, if I don't have the cookies around here then I can't eat them!)

The super huge marshmallows were a big hit!

In other news, I'm LOVING my new slippers.  Not only are they super warm, they also add sparkle to the room!

Oh, and I finally picked out tile for the back splash in the kitchen.  We'll see how the weekend pans out...and see how much more snow we'll be shoveling!