Monday, December 28, 2015

Big Buckeye

Someone sure is spoiled and has the best mom in the world for making him a ginormous buckeye!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Nutcracker

We went to see The Nutcracker on Saturday.  I'm happy to report that Matt stayed awake through the entire performance.  ;-)

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


We're fortunate enough to have some very special friends in our lives.  We're so thankful for their friendship and for all the fun we've had with them over the years.  Plus, we have to keep them close to us...they know too much.  ;-)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Missing My Sink

We're refinishing the kitchen counter tops.  This means that we've been without a sink for 10 days.  10. Long. Days.  You really don't know how much you take something for granted until  it's gone.  It's been quite a challenge being without water in the kitchen, but the end of the finish line is in sight. Hopefully Matt will install the new sink and garbage disposal tomorrow!  If not, I'm putting restaurant gift cards on my Christmas list!!

Sneak preview of the amazing before and after project!