We began January without any drama. We had some pretty snowfalls and Matt and I went snowshoeing with friends one day. We worked to finish up the basement - painting trim and touching up marks on the wall from the carpet installation. We LOVE the new carpet and furniture! We should have known it was too uneventful around here. We should have known it was getting too boring around here. We should have known it was time for some drama in our lives. Keaton suffered an agonizing groin pull during a basketball game one night. It was a strange injury suffered after bumping into another player (insert your own joke here). He immediately began to limp and tried to run down the court, but couldn't make it. Based on the view from the stands, Matt thought Keaton had a knee or ankle injury. He went for an immediate visit with the trainer and she thought he pulled or even tore a muscle and suggested he visit the E.R. (This may be the first year we've met our deductible in the first month of the year!) We ran him up to the E.R. and he was poked and prodded by the doctor and he confirmed a severe groin pull. The doctor put him on crutches for at least 48 hours and lots of Motrin. Fortunately we didn't have any snow falling and the parking lots and sidewalks were all fairly clear of ice during the crutches phase of recovery. It was a tough three weeks of limping, pain, and physical therapy. Poor Cyrus missed the extra attention and decided to create some drama of his own...
Cyrus decided to begin limping one night. At first, I thought maybe he had sympathy pains since Keaton was limping. Then I thought maybe he was jealous because Keaton was getting all the attention. Then I thought how awful it would be to have Keaton on crutches and Cyrus on little doggie crutches. Cy was pathetic when he wouldn't put his paw down and hobbled on three legs. There's nothing more sad and gut-wrenching than a dog hopping on three legs...especially when it's your poor dog. A trip to the vet diagnosed a pulled muscle in his shoulder. I was thankful it wasn't a broken bone or something worse. She put Cyrus on pain meds. and said to keep him still for a week...no running or jumping. Unfortunately, the pain meds. didn't make him sleepy. For those of you who don't know, Cyrus is a miniature schnauzer...a member of the terrier group. That says a lot about him right there. He's a bundle of energy. I think of him as my toddler...full of energy, demands constant attention, pouts, can be loud, puts everything in his mouth, is possessive, doesn't share, and won't let me spend two minutes alone in the bathroom without trying to come in. I spent one night on the edge of the bed, trying to keep him in his doggie bed on the floor next to me so he wouldn't jump up in our bed. That didn't work. I spent another night on the couch, thinking being closer to him might keep him on the floor in his own bed. That didn't work either. After two sleepless nights, I gave up and just let him sleep with me. Since he's my shadow and follows me everywhere, I spent the week on the couch with him on my lap. Needless to say, I didn't get much scrapbooking done...but I did get caught up on all episodes of Wife Swap and found lots of good recipes to try. Cyrus was happy to have my undivided attention. He was sure to give Keaton a look that said, "Ha ha...I get all the attention."
The seniors were defeated by the juniors in Testosterone Volleyball last week. (The guys play volleyball and the girls coach.) Keaton was impressive on the floor...he even had a kick save. It was nice to see him moving around, but both Matt and I flinched a few times when he dove for a loose ball. He's just about healed from his groin pull. He's fine with the forward and backward motion, but moving side-to-side still causes some pain. The doctors said it can be a long and slow process to make a full recovery because you use your groin muscle daily (again, insert your own joke here).
Keaton worked hard in physical therapy, did exercises at home, and did his daily ice rubs. (I'll let you use your imagination here because it's kind of strange trying to explain...and looks even stranger while he's doing it.) He was finally able to play basketball again on Friday night. He didn't start and only got about ten minutes of playing time, but that's a good way for him to ease back into the rhythm of the game. He was frustrated, but it's hard to play after sitting for three weeks. With the season 2/3 of the way over, he's hoping to finish strong. Saturday was Snowcoming at PHS. Keaton and Elizabeth met a bunch of friends for Mongolian Barbecue (it was a $9.99 all you can eat night, so the kids were pumped...at least the boys were) and then went to the dance. They had a good time and then Keaton went to spend the night at 'The Man Cave'. (His friend has an apartment above his garage for the kids to hang out.) He went back on Sunday to watch the Super Bowl at The Man Cave and came home $8 richer. We thought he won playing cards, but he won betting on running backs and receivers. He's a true Adams and this only proves my point that I believe he should be a bookie. I think it would look fabulous on his college applications to say he has his own business...as long as it stays profitable.
We're hoping for a fun, fabulous and injury-free February...for both of the boys!