Matt and Deb enjoyed Jeff Dunham in concert a few weeks ago. (He's the ventriloquest comedian.) Deb's cheeks hurt the next day...both from laughing so much and sitting squeezed tightly in a small space for hours. We also spent an awesome weekend in Petoskey. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed some beautiful sunsets on Lake Michigan.
Matt completed two more adventure races and had a great time in both. He came home covered in mud and cuts...tired but happy. He's heading to China next week for almost two weeks. Besides getting a passport and visa, he also had to have six shots. He'll host a supplier event, visit some manufacturing plants and practice his Chinese while he's there. (Deb thinks he'll have fans asking for his autograph as they mistake him for an NBA player.) Many have asked why Deb isn't going with and her answer is simple: pit toilets. She's talked with too many people who have been to China and she prefers indoor plumbing. If he ever goes to Europe, then she'll tag along...as long as they have indoor plumbing. Until then, she'll remain behind continuing to work furiously on Keaton's scrapbooks. She just finished labeling Keaton's DVDs (#239 for you curious ones) and is already hard at work planning Keaton's open house. Speaking of open house, Keaton's graduation will be on Thursday, May 27, 2010. We're planning to have his open house on Friday night or Saturday so out-of-towners can make arrangements. It'll be here before we know it!
With graduation and the open house looming in the future, we continue to try to complete some tasks around the house when we're home. Matt's rebuilding his workbench in the garage. Deb's all ready to come to his aid with the label maker when he's finished. The basement is still a couple coats short of mud, but one of these days that'll be finished...and then it'll be time to sell the house! We're looking forward to having some time to work around the house this fall and winter since Matt's not coaching basketball. Cyrus is looking forward to having another person to play with him. We totally forgot his birthday in September. He's the big 8 this year. Wow...he still acts like a puppy! We thought he'd outgrow the puppy stage, but he still has boundless energy.
The next post will be after Halloween. We don't know what we're dressing up as this year, but we're sure it'll be something fun. We'll be sure to take lots of pictures! Happy Halloween!