Sunday, November 29, 2009

November News

It's the end of November and we've already had our first snowfall. We awoke the morning after Thanksgiving to find everything covered in pretty white fluff. It all melted later in the day, but it was a nice surprise and definitely got us in the mood for Christmas.

Keaton finished his trimester with all As...only two more tri's to go until graduation. He was the senior class sponsor of the National Honor Society and read one of the value statements in the induction ceremony. He was smooth...and didn't drop the candle during the candle-lighting ceremony or catch the stage on fire. (Luckily he takes after me and isn't clumsy like his dad, Mr. Butterfingers.) Basketball season officially began...and so did the every-other-day laundry service. Since the team had a day full of scrimmages scheduled the day after Thanksgiving, we decided to spend Thanksgiving at home. (Our first in 19 years!!!) It was awesome! We could sleep in (well, as much as we can with a dog), we could wear sweats (which we did), and we could take naps (which we did). Keaton went to Elizabeth's for dinner and Matt and I played Scrabble. We snacked a little too much and when dinner was ready we decided we weren't hungry. (Thank goodness for Reynold's Wrap.) When we finally did get around to eating, Cyrus was thrilled to have a Thanksgiving plate full of goodies too.




Matt attacked his Black Friday shopping spree with his usual gusto. He seriously studied the ads a week in advance online. He thoroughly took notes and meticulously mapped out his shopping route. He planned and plotted until the wee hours of the morning, took a nap to recharge, and then hit the stores running at 5:15 a.m. He was a warrior...dodging carts, jumping over shoppers, grabbing items, elbowing his way through the crowds. No, seriously, he said it wasn't bad and he really wasn't out for any hot-selling items this year. He did get some new pots and pans for me and some new basketball shoes for him. Nothing too exciting, but good deals. He came home to go to Keaton's scrimmages only to find out there was a mix-up and the games were scheduled for the following day. Keaton, being the mini-Matt he is and thinking he's funny, broke the news to us with a phone call from school that began, "Don't worry, I don't have another concussion." I about had a heart attack. He's NOT funny trying to give me gray hair...especially when I don't have a hair appointment for another two weeks. So, the change in basketball plans cut into our weekend visit with the family so we decided to stay home and help out the economy instead by ordering new furniture for the basement. Yay!!

We celebrated Matt's birthday at The BOB in Grand Rapids with his brothers and friends. He picked the restaurant/bar with classic rock and I was happy to hear lots of 80s music thrown in as well. The food was good and I discovered a Wasabi sauce that numbed my gums and throat. It was great...once I could talk again.


We went to watch some college basketball between two teams that have been recruiting Keaton. We sat behind each bench to watch (and listen to) the coaching styles and Keaton decided he doesn't want a coach who yells. He's still undecided about playing in college, but will keep his options open for now. He really doesn't have to decide until next spring. He was accepted at Western Michigan University and has decided he wants to stay within three hours of home. He's not thrilled that we have the motor home since he's seriously afraid I'm really going to come and stay in the parking lot of his dorm. Silly boy...the motor home would take up too much room. I'll rent an apartment or stay in a motel across the street so I can watch him with binoculars.

The Christmas lights are hung and the shopping has begun. We hope you have the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of New Years.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

October's Occurrences

October seemed to fly by, as usual. For the first time since Keaton was four years old, Matt had to miss a parent-teacher conference. I carried the laptop around with me to all the teachers with Matt online for a video conference (like they do on The Big Bang Theory). Just kidding! Matt was in China and they were 12 hours ahead of I didn't think Matt would really be up for a parent-teacher conference at 3:00 a.m.

Matt enjoyed his two weeks in China. There were lots of interesting things to see and do...and eat. He worked a lot, traveled around a lot, but didn't pick up much of the language. On some free time (which he didn't seem to have much of, but made the most of when it was available), he tried some new things. He took a ride on the world's fastest magnetic track train and went up to 275 m.p.h. He drove (well, he had a driver so it was more like rode) over the world's longest bridge (21 miles). He also ate some very unusual food. The diet in China didn't contain Big Macs or pizza (or even rice). He was a good sport and ate lots of interesting things like eel, duck tongue (yep, you read that correctly...TONGUE - how gross!), frogs (not just frog legs, but WHOLE frogs!), octopus, pig ear (yep, like the dogs eat when they get a treat), and puffer fish (yes, it's poisonous unless it's cooked perfectly by a licensed chef) to name a few (and that's all I can name without gagging). Ewwwwww! Matt said I would have been fine with the food since they also had a lot of vegetables, but I'd definitely have a problem with the food looking back at me and, much more importantly, the DOUBLE-DIPPING. It seems the food is placed on a rotating platform in the middle of the table and everyone at the table takes what they'd like from each plate with their chopsticks THAT THEY EAT FROM AND THEN KEEP TAKING MORE FOOD WITH THOSE SAME CHOPSTICKS THAT THEY JUST HAD IN THEIR MOUTHS. Yuck! Obviously they're not worried about H1N1 in China. Matt enjoyed shopping while in China. He liked the open market and using his bargaining skills to get next-to-nothing deals. (Authentic Red Wings jersey for Keaton and Gucci bag for me!) His longest flight was 14 hours (from Atlanta to Tokyo), but he said it went by surprisingly quick. (Maybe it was the free drinks in business class.) Keaton, Cyrus and I were very happy to have him back home. Keaton didn't have to watch Lifetime with me anymore, Cyrus had his wrestling buddy back to play with him, and I could finally sleep. Matt was happy to be home so he could have some dessert...especially chocolate. They don't typically eat dessert in China...most dessert was fruit. Now we all know why the Chinese are so thin. I was sure to have a chocolate fondue for him the night he came home.


In honor of Keaton's birthday, the high school was closed for two days. We had a high incidence of illness and they closed the school down for a a thorough disinfecting. Unfortunately, Keaton caught a small bug and spent his birthday with a fever, a super sore throat, and then a trip to the doctor's office. Poor kid. Oops, sorry, poor adult. It's hard to believe he's 18. To commemorate this historic occasion, he did run up to the store to buy some lottery tickets. He broke even...he bought $9 worth of tickets and won $9. If his luck improves, we're going to take him to Vegas and teach him how to count cards.


The seniors decided to have a long Halloween weekend. They skipped on Friday and spent the day up at Craig's Cruisers in Grand Rapids. After go-karts, laser-tag and video games, Keaton and his group went to the mall so Keaton could spend some of his birthday money.

Halloween was it usually is for us. We all dressed up (even Keaton) and sat on the porch to pass out candy (and Pucker shots for the adults...yum). It was chilly and I was glad to have the shots nearby to help keep warm. The kids enjoyed seeing Cyrus dressed up and quite a few had to come and give him a hug and talk to him. After we passed out candy, we headed down to Kalamazoo for dinner with friends and checked out the block party downtown. It was full of college kids, so we called it an early night and headed for home. We didn't have nearly the usual amount of trick-or-treaters we usually have...which means more leftover candy for us!



We had planned to go camping the weekend after Halloween since it was going to be a beautiful weekend, but Keaton decided to have an allergic reaction to some medication and broke out in hives. So, we stayed home, played connect-the-dots with his hives, winterized the motor home and worked on projects around the house. Definitely not as much fun as camping, but I guess it's better than doing those projects in the snow.

I redid my scrapbook room while Matt was in China and it's now my Princess Studio. All I need is a boa (not the snake...the feathered kind) and a tiara and it will be perfect. I've been working on Keaton's scrapbooks in a frenzy and have come to the conclusion that I'll never catch up. That's okay, because I love taking pictures and documenting all the fun we have.

Here's hoping everyone has a fun and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Seniors Rule!

It's been a while since I updated our blog, so here's the latest in our adventures. In August, Keaton went with Elizabeth and her mom to visit Minnesota. It was a quick weekend trip, but they did make it to the Mall of America. (Deb's jealous!!) Keaton had his senior pictures taken and then officially began his senior year. He enjoys his classes (particularly stats and calculus) and has been filling out college applications. He's been talking to some college basketball coaches and playing in a rec league. Keaton and Matt joined an Ultimate league (Frisbee) in Kalamazoo and enjoy spending some time together throwing the disc. Last week was homecoming week and Keaton showed his school spirit at the powder puff game by wearing a skirt and cheering for the girls on the field. He even let the girls straighten his hair...but he drew the line at wearing any makeup. He was the big hit of the night...and the seniors won! Keaton had his homecoming dance over the weekend. He surprised Elizabeth with a romantic dinner that he planned all by himself. He made chicken fettuccine and they had dinner on the patio...complete with music and candles. It was so sweet. (He wouldn't let Deb take any pictures, though.)


Matt and Deb enjoyed Jeff Dunham in concert a few weeks ago. (He's the ventriloquest comedian.) Deb's cheeks hurt the next day...both from laughing so much and sitting squeezed tightly in a small space for hours. We also spent an awesome weekend in Petoskey. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed some beautiful sunsets on Lake Michigan.

Matt completed two more adventure races and had a great time in both. He came home covered in mud and cuts...tired but happy. He's heading to China next week for almost two weeks. Besides getting a passport and visa, he also had to have six shots. He'll host a supplier event, visit some manufacturing plants and practice his Chinese while he's there. (Deb thinks he'll have fans asking for his autograph as they mistake him for an NBA player.) Many have asked why Deb isn't going with and her answer is simple: pit toilets. She's talked with too many people who have been to China and she prefers indoor plumbing. If he ever goes to Europe, then she'll tag long as they have indoor plumbing. Until then, she'll remain behind continuing to work furiously on Keaton's scrapbooks. She just finished labeling Keaton's DVDs (#239 for you curious ones) and is already hard at work planning Keaton's open house. Speaking of open house, Keaton's graduation will be on Thursday, May 27, 2010. We're planning to have his open house on Friday night or Saturday so out-of-towners can make arrangements. It'll be here before we know it!

With graduation and the open house looming in the future, we continue to try to complete some tasks around the house when we're home. Matt's rebuilding his workbench in the garage. Deb's all ready to come to his aid with the label maker when he's finished. The basement is still a couple coats short of mud, but one of these days that'll be finished...and then it'll be time to sell the house! We're looking forward to having some time to work around the house this fall and winter since Matt's not coaching basketball. Cyrus is looking forward to having another person to play with him. We totally forgot his birthday in September. He's the big 8 this year. Wow...he still acts like a puppy! We thought he'd outgrow the puppy stage, but he still has boundless energy.

The next post will be after Halloween. We don't know what we're dressing up as this year, but we're sure it'll be something fun. We'll be sure to take lots of pictures! Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Traversing in Traverse City

We enjoyed a fun weekend up in Traverse City. The campground was right across the street from the bay. Keaton was actually looking forward to going camping with us for a change...because Elizabeth came with us. We spent some time enjoying the beach and exploring Traverse City. We did a lot of bike-riding...riding over 8 miles one day! Cyrus had a rough night the first night when it stormed. He didn't know what to do and we pulled an all-nighter trying to calm him down. But, the rest of the weekend's weather was perfect and he enjoyed lots of walks (luckily we had lots of plastic bags). Keaton and Elizabeth went to the mall one afternoon to find some clothes for senior pictures and Keaton came home with a new hybrid. (It's a golf club for you non-golfers.  That might be kind of hard to wear though.) We headed over to the Sleeping Bear Dunes after dinner out one night (since we were up north, we HAD to have whitefish...I think it's required in northern Michigan). Matt was proud to be able to leave his initials on the pinball game at the restaurant. (Nerd.) We tried to enjoy a nice sunset, but the clouds rolled in and blocked our view. Keaton had another milestone...he drove home from Traverse City without us on Sunday so Elizabeth could go to band camp (this one time at band camp...). Matt and I enjoyed some alone time with Cyrus and went out to visit a lighthouse on the peninsula. We came home on Monday afternnon and were able to get the motor home emptied before the rain came. It was another great weekend and Keaton was happy to have us back home...or maybe he was just happy to have the junk food back. We asked Elizabeth what she thought of camping and she said our motor home was just like an apartment. That's my kind of camping, though...air-conditioning, ice-maker, and my vacuum.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Karie & Krew

Karie and her entourage came for a visit last weekend. The time went by quickly, but we tried to pack in as much fun as we could. Karie and krew arrived and caught us having margaritas. Karie joined right in and caught up quickly. The kids jumped right in the pool so we didn't have to worry about baths that night! Friday night was a late night playing spoons with the kids. On Saturday, we headed over to Matt's company picnic and enjoyed ourselves...despite the rain. The kids liked the crafting area making sand art and balloon animals. Karie and I LOVED the crafting area because it was the only covered shelter so we didn't get soaked. McKenna fell in love with Elizabeth and they had to get matching tattoos (I think I've been replaced as McKenna's favorite!). We had originally planned to head over to the Coast Guard Festival in Grand Haven and visit Eric, but the weather didn't look like it was going to cooperate, so we hung out at our house instead. Keaton and Elizabeth took the kids to Meijer so they could get some yarn and then they spent hours making bracelets. Karie and I headed to Hobby Lobby to hit the 90%-off clearance aisle and loaded up my vehicle...with Karie's stuff, not mine. I kept my shopping to a two-bag minimum!

On Sunday, we headed to the mall and were disappointed to learn the climbing wall that Hunter was planning to conquer was closed...for good. Then, another blow came when McKenna learned that Libby Lu's (her girly, glittery store) was also closed. They handled their disappointment well, though, and decided to focus on back-to-school shopping. While the rest of the group was checking out sales in one store, Matt took McKenna to a "girls-only" store. Matt was the perfect personal shopping cart and just followed her around the store while she browsed and grabbed anything off the rack she liked and handed it to him to carry. Needless to say, when we arrived about 15 minutes later, he had two armfuls FULL of clothes. The only comment Matt had was, "We never did find a shirt to match this red skirt." It was too funny!! McKenna had to buy a BFF (Best Friends Forever) necklace to give to Elizabeth before she left. I'm a little jealous and think I may have been replaced. I guess I'll just have to stock my pantry with even more goodies the next time they visit and win her back!! Hmmm...maybe even a new puppy would help to make me the favorite again!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Westward, Ho(ly cow we saw a lot)!

Our trip out west was fabulous!! Our first stop was to see the Badlands in South Dakota. Incredible formations and more color than I was expecting. It was a little dry and a little dusty, but I guess if they were green and wet they would be called the Goodlands. The Corn Maze in Mitchell, SD was our next stop. There's a building COVERED in corn cob mosaics. Corny, but something you have to see at least once in your lifetime.

We headed to the Black Hills of South Dakota next. Mt. Rushmore was incredible to see in person. Pictures don't do it can feel the patriotism in the air. We spent the day waiting for the 4th of July fireworks (but they do them on the 3rd of July for some reason!). After eight hours of patiently waiting (and for me, we all know that's a HUGE stretch), a fog bank rolled in an hour before the fireworks were due to launch, so we admitted defeat and walked the 2.5 miles back to the car (downhill, luckily), and called it a night. The next day, we stopped to check out the Crazy Horse Monument (from a distance) and we took a tour of Custer State Park. The wildlife was incredible to see so close to our cars (luckily none under any cars). We saw donkeys and stopped to feed them. The buffalo were HUGE and right next to the car. We saw elk, deer and antelope and I broke into my rendition of "Home on the Range" (Home, home on the range...where the deer and the antelope play...) I don't know about playing, though...I was quick to pull my arm back in the window after one snorted at me. Later, we went into town a few miles away to watch the 4th of July fireworks (actually on the 4th of July!) While in the Black Hills (which are more like mountains), Matt and others did some rock climbing...complete with harnesses, ropes, and anything else you might need to avoid a plummet to your death. He climbed about 200 feet and loved it! Keaton and I stayed back at the campground, did some shopping, read and soaked up some sun. I have a fear of heights, a fear of breaking a nail...and a fear of breaking every bone in my body, so the rock climbing did not appeal to me in the least. We headed over to some rock formations called the Needles and did some climbing on those rocks. (Those I can handle because you're not making a vertical ascent...and you don't have to get your hands dirty.) We did a 5+ hour hike near Sylvan Lake one day (the lake featured in National Treasure 2). It was pretty strenuous and the air is very thin, so we were all huffing and puffing pretty good. We went up to Harney Peak and I made friends with the ladies and their giant schnauzer behind us. Keaton and the kids practically ran up the trail and arrived a good 30 minutes before us adults...who actually took time to look around and enjoy nature's beauty (while trying to catch their breath and cussing out the husbands for picking such a strenuous trail). The view at the top was worth the sweat and long as I didn't look down! We could see our campground in the distance and it was very, very, very tiny. (It's really the 2nd largest KOA in the country and is huge when you're not looking down at it from the top of a mountain.)







We headed over to Devil's Tower and were somewhat disappointed not to see any evidence of UFOs or aliens in the vicinity. I had to know why it's called Devil's Tower and the ranger told us that the Native Americans called it Bear Tower (the deep vertical grooves look like a bear clawed his way to the top). During the translation into English, it was misinterpreted as Bad God's Tower...eventually becoming Devil's Tower. (I'm sooo ready for Jeopardy!) The kids weren't too excited about the history and took off to climb on the rocks at the base of the tower. I'm making Keaton watch Close Encounters of the Third Kind to appreciate his experience.


Grand Teton National Park is absolutely breath-taking. The mountains actually don't look real...they look like a back-drop from a movie set. We drove around the park and saw a moose and her baby eating in the marsh. Incredible!! We saw antelope, more moose, deer, more elk, and a black bear and her two cubs. We hiked on the trails and came upon a bull moose enjoying a snack about 25' from us. I was snapping away on the camera and a guy came up and told me I could get closer to it (I assumed he was talking about the moose) as long as he was eating. I told him I was close enough to the action! People asked if I was nervous being that close and I told them that as long as I could outrun the last person on the trail, I wasn't worried! I was worried about all the "Beware of Bear" signs, though...especially since too many people tell me that my lotion smells like cotton candy. Needless to say, I skipped the lotion on our hiking days and dealt with dry, scaly's better than being a snack for a bear. Speaking of bear, if you're approached, you're supposed to stand still and not run. They may charge you, but they bluff sometimes. If they do attack you, you are supposed to lie on your stomach and wait for them to finish their assault. Yeah, right! I had to quit reading all the information because I was having anxiety attacks. I figured that, again, as long as I could outrun the last person in our group, I'd be okay. We saw waterfalls, canyons, and again I broke into song during one of our hikes..."The hills are alive with the sound of music..." (They say singing is one thing to do so you don't surprise bears and I wasn't taking any chances!)


Yellowstone was interesting with its geological formations (it's on top of a volcano), but it was STINKY. The smell of sulfur is pungent and prevalent in a lot of the park. Old Faithful was awesome to see, as were the mud pots, other geysers, and hot springs. We came across one hot spring with steam billowing out from it and a buffalo sitting in the he was enjoying a day at the spa. Stinky, but cute! We saw lots of wildlife, but they were all so far away...not close-up encounters like in the Tetons - except for the buffalo walking down the middle of the road escorting us for a while! I loved the buffalo...especially the babies! Yellowstone is huge and we had to drive and drive and drive to get anywhere to visit anything. We went on an animal search at 5 a.m. one day and were rewarded with seeing a grizzly (way off in the distance). I was too busy yawning to see Matt didn't share his binoculars with me.


We stopped at the Battle of Little Big Horn on the way home and decided to make some longer driving days and get home a day early. Keaton was THRILLED to hear the news...he'd get to see his beloved Elizabeth a day earlier. He pretty much slept while in any vehicle, so he's one well-rested kid!

The motor home was awesome! I still don't like the mountains and get especially nervous when I can smell the brakes of the vehicle in front of us, but I did like the Ford engine's automatic downshift feature. I especially liked the room with the two slide-outs and LOVED being able to use the bathroom while in transit. We were able to pick up six new states on our quest and we're now up to 38 states we've visited in an RV. We're not sure about next year's adventure...but it will be definite cause for celebration: Keaton's high school graduation and our 20th anniversary! We're happy to be home and look forward to planning the next adventure!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Stark Raving Mad Adventure Race

Team Lost Dumasse (Lost Dumbass) finished in 25th place out of 83 in the Stark Raving Mad Adventure Race in Muskegon over the weekend. Matt and friend, Dave, competed in the endurace race that included 15 miles of bike-riding, 2-3 miles of canoeing, and 5k orienteering. The goal was to find the marker, punch their passport and finish in under six hours. There were 28 markers in all and they found 18. They finished in 5 hours and 45 minutes. Whew. They had a great time and were thankful they trained because it was pretty grueling. Kelly and I had a great time on the beach, enjoying a picnic lunch and strawberry daiquiris. We were thankful they made it back in one piece and weren't wandering in the woods all night (we needed someone to start the campfire!).

Keaton and Cyrus enjoyed a weekend home alone. Keaton had his ACT on Saturday morning and two lawns to mow on Sunday. Cyrus definitely wins the prize for being the most enthusiastic upon our return home! It was a fun weekend and I'm very proud of the guys for finishing the race and doing so well for their first competition. Now they're looking forward to competing in more races and are trying to talk Kelly and me into competing either on a 2-person women's team or coed team. I think Kelly and I will stick to hanging out on the beach, enjoying our slushies (frozen drinks)...that's enough adventure for me!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's Summer Already???

Holy cow...Keaton is now officially a senior. Wow! I don't know where the time went. I think he's looking forward to summer, but he'll continue to keep pretty busy. He'll be playing basketball, mowing lawns, scouting some colleges, and hanging out with Elizabeth and friends.

In other news, Matt and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary on June 8th. We celebrated twice - once at The Melting Pot and once at Red Lobster. We're looking forward to camping this weekend up in Muskegon. Matt will be competing in his Stark Raving Mad Adventure Race (5k trek, 15 mi. biking, 3 mi. canoeing). I'll be back at the campground enjoying cocktails. It should be a fun least for me!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Prom 2009

After playing in two basketball games in the morning, Keaton had to change from sweaty athlete into debonair young man. He was so handsome...and he looked so grown up! It's been 13 years since he wore a tux and he's never looked better! Uncle Bub was very generous and let Keaton drive his car on prom night. Keaton was pretty pumped!! We posed for some pictures at home and then we headed over to Elizabeth's house to pose for more pictures with her friends. Keaton and Elizabeth decided to go out to dinner alone (at the Black Swan in Kalamazoo), so after the other kids left for dinner, we went down the road to the gazebo to take even more pictures. They were so cute!! Matt and I went out to dinner at the local pizzeria. We laughed as every table was pretty much a set of parents we knew who had a child at the prom. All we needed was some music and we could have had our own prom!

Everyone had a fabulous time at the prom. Keaton said it was really fun and they divided up their time between Elizabeth's friends and Keaton's friends. Keaton was voted Prom Prince (prince/princess for juniors and king/queen for seniors) and was very surprised. After the prom, the kids stopped at Steak and Shake for a while. It was a night he'll always remember!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Busy Spring!!'s been a busy and exciting time here in P-town (as the kids call it). Keaton's basketball team won the District Championship in OT, with Keaton making the game-winning basket at the buzzer (you can see the news story by clicking on the link on the right)!! He was pumped and I don't think his feet touched the ground for a week! We made our annual trek to Tennessee for spring break and the boys were able to play a few rounds of golf despite the snow on the course the first two days! Basketball season gave way to golf season. Keaton is also playing AAU Basketball so he spends just about every day on a golf course and then he's on a basketball court with practice 1-2 times a week and tournaments on the weekends. He's had a bit of a break for the past couple of weeks thanks to a concussion received during open gym one night at school. He was going up for a lay up and a kid pushed him from behind and Keaton went head-first, mid-air, into a brick wall. He suffered some good abrasions on the side of his head, elbow, and shoulder. He was unconscious for a few seconds (this is what we were told...we weren't there) and then the coach rushed him to the hospital. Keaton doesn't remember the incident and can only recall a few bits and pieces of what happened until we arrived at the E.R. His friends said he was a little wobbly and Keaton insisted he didn't hit his head and he was ready to play. His CT scan didn't show anything unusual and verified the fact that he is hard-headed. He was a little annoyed by me waking him up every two hours and shining a light into his eyes to check his pupil dilation. He only had a very mild headache the next day and was a little sore from the bumps and bruises. He was checked out by his pediatrician and told to take two weeks off from basketball to recuperate, but he was cleared to golf, so Keaton was pretty happy to at least be able to get out on the links. He still has some bruising and a little bit of a black eye that I was sure to photograph for his scrapbook. It was scary for us but Keaton was a trooper and said I was really annoying. Yep, it sounds like he's back to normal.

We were finally able to take out the motor home last weekend for the inaugural camping trip. The trip had some minor changes in it than we had previously planned. Before Keaton's test to see how hard his head really is, we had planned to let him stay home with some friends for the weekend. But, that plan was nixed and I decided I needed to have him tied to me all weekend, so Keaton wasn't too happy to lose his freedom. Keaton argued that his friends would be with him to make sure he was okay. We weren't confident with his friends' ability to take care of him based on the fact that they tend to lose their cell phones weekly and one thinks he can levitate. We enjoyed our time in the motor home. It was so nice to have room to move around and not bump into one another or do a sideways shuffle to get around each other. Keaton didn't seem too thrilled to be stuck with us, but at least he had his phone so he could text his friends. He managed to survive just fine.

Keaton has decided to get back into the dating pool again. His new girlfriend is Elizabeth (Bizza) and he's known her since elementary school. Best of all, she loves basketball and she has an uncle who is an asst. coach at WMU!! She's a dedicated girlfriend and went with Matt and Keaton to a basketball tournament in Ft. Wayne all day on Saturday - even though Keaton couldn't play. She's better than me -I stayed home with Cyrus and took a nap. Their prom is on May 16th and we're really looking forward to it. Keep your fingers crossed the weather will be beautiful!!

We're counting down the days until summer vacation. We're leaving on July 1st for Mt. Rushmore and then will continue on with stops at Devil's Tower and the Badlands before reaching our final destination of Yellowstone National Park. We're looking forward to our adventure...maybe even doing a little rock climbing while we're out west. Well, not "we"...Matt's going to try it, but I have vetoed it based on the fact that I would get dirty and/or even break a nail. Keaton is also a little reserved. He'll probably want to just hang out at the pool and text. Life is good! :-)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Keaton's Night

Tuesday night was parents' night for the basketball team. Even better than escorting his two wonderful parents out on the court, Keaton was able to finally realize his dream of dunking. During the third quarter, he stole the ball at midcourt and drove down the floor and went up for a two-hand slam. It was awesome!! Plainwell had a huge upset win over the number-one team in the conference!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Bounder

Here it is...our new home away from home! We picked up the new motor home (a Class A 32' Fleetwood Bounder) last Saturday down in Indiana. We went with our friends and they followed us home - taking pictures of us along the way. The ride home was uneventful - except for the cargo door flipping open and flapping in the wind. Matt was able to pull off to the the side of the highway and close it. It was good practice for him merging in and out of traffic. Keaton and Cyrus were pretty excited and both should sleep pretty comfortably in it - Keaton on the pull-out bed and Cyrus with us (as usual). Keaton didn't seem to be too excited about driving it. (He's probably wondering how he can drive because he sleeps the entire ride in any vehicle!) I drove it through the neighborhood and decided it would be a while before I drove it on the road because it's HUGE!! It's like driving a bus. I might try driving it when we're on straight, empty roads in North Dakota and I don't have to make any turns. I figure if the road is straight enough, I can just put in on cruise control and go play cards in the back with the boys. We're looking forward to warmer weather so we can do some re-landscaping on the side of the house where we'll store the motor home. Since it sticks out a little farther than the travel trailer did, we'll need to add some more shrubs, rocks, and paving blocks. Shoot, we might even have to add a little more yard. We're also looking forward to some warmer weather so we can take it and try it out for a weekend before we head out west. Summer will be here before we know it - as soon as we get rid of all this darn snow!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

12 Days of Birthday

I continued with my 12 Days of Birthday by going away for the weekend. We went up to Grand Rapids to spend the weekend and brought our friends along. (Well, I guess they brought us along since they drove!) We went to the RV show and our friends decided they're ready to upgrade to a motor home also. After the show, we went for drinks and out to listen to a band play 80s music. They were awesome! It was more like going to a concert than going out to a club - it was standing room only. This would have been nice to have known ahead of time as Kelly and I wore big, friggin' high heels and had to stand for 2 1/2 hours just waiting for the show to start. (Our shoes were pretty darn cute, though!) Finally, we couldn't take being on our feet anymore and walked (or more like limped) back to the hotel. We didn't know how much it had snowed while we were in the club until we started walking through the drifts - me with open-toed shoes. The bright side was that the snow helped to numb the pain. It was a great short getaway, but bittersweet as we weren't home to console Keaton during his break-up with his girlfriend. Aaron came to the rescue and spent the weekend with Keaton and his friends and took them to the Michigan basketball game on Saturday night. I guess hanging out with the guys, watching basketball and playing video games is one way to mend a broken heart.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy 2009!

Happy New Year! We spent our holidays kicking back and trying to relax (as much as possible) without traveling too much. After 18 years of not being home for Christmas, we've decided that next year we will begin a new tradition of actually seeing what it feels like to celebrate Christmas in our own home. It will be a new experience, but one we're looking forward to beginning. While we enjoy visiting everyone back in Flint, we miss the leisurely pace we could enjoy at home - not to mention all the little things we could get done while we have some free time. People can come visit us if they'd like a change of scenery - plus we have two ski areas within 15 minutes for you skiers and snowboarders! So with that said, we began our New Year with our usual flair for drama. This year's drama was a stomach ailment. Poor Matt got sick on New Year's Eve (it wasn't due to alcohol consumption) and we had to cut our celebration short so he could spend Thursday and Friday on the bathroom floor. I spent Thursday and Friday following Matt around with anti-bacterial wipes and disinfecting anything he touched and/or breathed on. (At the time, we thought it was a stomach bug and Keaton and I didn't want it!). Playing detective, we discovered that five others were sick after eating at his friend's house, so it was probably food poisoning and luckily it wasn't from my cooking. Whew! Keaton aced his Chinese food ordering and pick-up with flying colors - I was too tired to do anything after spending a sleepless night listening to Matt in agony in the bathroom and disinfecting everything in sight. Keaton's ready for college now that he can order food and pick it up on his own.

We're back in our basketball routine again. The boys had a pretty easy, laid-back schedule during Christmas break...unfortunately it was very apparent in last night's loss. Before our break, we had a spark of hope that the team would play together as a team. They had a couple of games that they played well, worked together and ran an offense. Our hope was dashed last night as Plainwell reverted to its old ways and it was every man for himself for the most part. It's frustrating and sad to watch. The hard part is to see Keaton hang his head and watch the growing frustration he has. Only 17 more games more to go...