Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Move is On!

We've officially begun our big move! We still don't have a closing date set, but we know it's sometime between July 17-31. We're hopeful everything will line up perfectly so we're only homeless for an hour or two between signing over this house and buying the new house. We're lucky to have a friend of Matt's that has a big empty room in his finished basement where we can store things. So, we've been hauling stuff over for the past couple of weeks. Matt rented a storage locker and will begin moving his pinball machines and garage stuff. I've begun packing boxes and we'll be ready to move another vehicle & trailer load over the weekend. I'm hoping that if we take a vehicle & trailer load a few times a week, we'll eventually clear out most of our house...leaving only the furniture and essentials to actually move on moving day. Holy cow...we have a ton of stuff!!!

Sanford (a.k.a. Matt) saves EVERY box from every purchase.
These are the boxes he pulled out of the attic.
He just went through and purged a couple of years ago.

Believe it or not, he's getting much better with his hoarding!